Saturday, August 13, 2005

No More Shots, Bartender! (ok, just one more)

Last night didn't exactly go as planned. For one, I felt silly walking into the bar with a bag so I left the cds in my car and just took my flyers. Secondly, though I did hand some flyers out, it was basically to people I knew already. See, I know a lot of people at this bar. And those I didn't know? Well, YOU walk into a bar stone sober and see how easy it is to walk up to a complete stranger and just start talking about yourself! I've never been very good at that, obviously, or else I'd have more dates (one could only hope).

The third thing is ... well, drinks were only $1.75 until 11, ANYTHING you wanted to drink. I forgot, this is why I don't go to this bar on Friday nights. 2 drinks and I'm drunk. Well, I had 3, including a martini. Oh yeah, and two shots. Talk about toast? My ass was lit up like the fourth! I hate when I get that sloppy drunk because I just get stupid silly and I have a hard time remembering what I say to people. Thankfully, my friend drove me to his place so I could crash on his couch. I'm sitting on his computer typing this now. There was no way I could have drove home. It would have been another lonely night sleeping in my car like a hobo ... scratch that - a homobo.

And now? It feels like my brain is rattling trying to get outside my head. 6 aspirin and still no relief. This has got to be one of the worst headaches I've had in my life!

I'm never drinking again! Ever! Ok, maybe just not tonight.

I hope my friend gets up soon. I'm ready 2 go home. I have stronger medication there.

And I'll have to give this flyer thing another go. Maybe I should go someplace I never go and where I'm not bound to run into the same people again ... someplace like any straight bar in Baltimore!

"If at first U don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again." - Aaliyah, Try Again


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